
Update following Governor's 3/23/2020 speech

There have been questions about whether or not we are allowed to work as professional massage therapists at this point in time. You are ultimately responsible for making your own decisions about your practice. I am writing this in order to give you some tools which may help you decide.

Executive Order 9-20 signed today by Governor Justice goes into effect tomorrow, the 24th, at 8:pm. It is a general "stay-at-home" order. You may find the original order here:

"...all individuals within the State of West Virginia are under a general stay-at-home order and are directed to stay at home or their place of residence unless performing an essential activity."

"...the following industries, businesses, and/or workers employed in such industries and businesses are specifically included as Essential Businesses and Operations under this Order: ... other healthcare facilities and suppliers and providers of any related and/or ancillary healthcare services."

It does not directly refer to massage therapists. Are you a healthcare provider? Are you in a private office with your own reception area? Are you able to provide the knowledge, time, effort, and materials to thoroughly clean your office between clients? Can you schedule clients far enough apart so they do not cross paths and your cleaning can be thorough and complete before the next client arrives?

You need to completely educate yourself and think everything through before you make your decision to see a client or not to see a client. Yes, financially this is devastating to us, but at the cost of someone's health or life? And perhaps at the cost of many if that person then spreads the virus.

Here is a link to all Executive Orders. Put "covid" in the subject and click on "Jim Justice" then hit "search" and you will find them all.
Order 3-20 closes fitness and recreation centers
Order 4-20 provides for additional unemployment compensation
Order 6-20 closes barbershops, hair salons, and nail salons

The WV Massage Therapy Licensure Board's website can be found here:
They advise us to review the Governor's directives and they provide links to other information about COVID-19. I do not find any statement from our Board saying that we are or are not allowed to practice during this time. Again, you need to figure this out for yourself. We are all different, have different clients and offices, and practice in our own unique ways. It's up to each of us, apparently.

Oh, and remember the risks to you. Many of us are now, ahem, um, well, "elderly" according to the CDC (cough cough choke) and thus at higher risk - but this disease strikes and potentially kills any age. It may be best or crucial for you to avoid everyone at this point, irrespective of orders and so forth. Do what you need to do and take care of yourselves!

We are all in the same boat here, so it's nice to have one another. I suspect that our April Gathering may not be allowed to take place in person. I am tech-ignorant, but if someone else knows how to put together a Virtual Massage Gathering, I think it would be totally fun! We can each hang out in our own space, glass o'wine in one hand and munchies in the other. Let me know if you'll volunteer to make that happen for us.

Now, go wash your hands again, then sit down and think.