
Report after 11/15/21 Gathering at Mia Margherita

Did we have fun, or did we have fun?! It was SO amazing being together again after a year and a half. There were 11 of us (including a few new faces!), and those who didn't make it were really missed. 

Remember, this group is for all bodyworkers, so please invite colleagues. I try to send out a text message to everyone to announce/remind about the next Gathering, but I often drop the ball one way or another, so mark your calendar to check back at least by early February (after the anticipated rise and fall in covid cases over the holidays) and see what's going on. When I make another post on this blog, I will send out a group text to alert you to check it if you're interested. You can always text me if you want to be added or know what's going on - a text is WAY better than a phone call, believe me.

So here's what we talked about for the 2 hours we spent laughing, eating, and drinking together at Mia Margherita (thanks to Brenda for making arrangements!):

Covid issues - 

  • Thank you, Brenda, for giving us some info about the Pfizer vaccine!
  • There was discussion about continuing to wear masks while we work even after covid is under control (will that ever happen?!) - many of us think we will do that.
  • Information about the Airgami face mask https://www.airgami.life/ was shared.
  • And discussion about the next Gathering not being before February (after the holiday-induced increase in covid cases returns to at least pre-holiday numbers).
Things for sale - 
  • Diana has an amazing, high-end, hydraulic table and all accessories for sale (304)669-3070:
    • Diana Gerard Palmateer - Pick Up Only!
    • Gently Used 2012 Hydraulic Multi-Position Table.
    • Custom Craftworks, Dual Foot Pedals, Two Hydraulic Functions, Attached Adjustable Face Cradle with Arm Rest, Two Bolsters and Extra Removable Head Rest.
    • No Rips or Tears.
    • Price Includes: Rolling Ergo Chair, Five Flannel Sheet Sets, One Lightly Weighted Blanket, One Regular Plush Blanket, Full Body Fleece Table Warmer, Towels, Small Heating Pad, Extra Face Cradle Covers, Books, Oil Diffuser and Music CD’s. Located in Clarksburg, WV. Private Message if Interested 

  • Valarie has some books for sale. When I get details, I will add them here.
Upcoming events - 
  • Next WV Massage Gathering tentatively the evening of Tuesday, February 15, 2022, not sure where yet. We will have to monitor the number of covid cases as well as the weather. 
  • June 18, 2022, Cecil Jarvis Greater Clarksburg 10K race will be held (in downtown Clarksburg), hopefully live instead of virtually. If so, please call Valarie (304/203-3535) and plan on joining the massage volunteers who work on the runners that morning. Valarie has organized this since day 1 (26 years ago) - so a BIG HAND to her for the massive amount of work she's done. It's a really FUN gig! 
Continuing Ed -

    • If you're aware of upcoming CEU opportunities, let me know and I will share them here.
    • I (Nancy) am working toward fulfilling the requirements to provide CEUs (following in Valarie's footsteps). I'll let you know when - not if - I get that done and classes are scheduled. Some of the classes I'm considering include: 
      • Anatomy
      • Bellies Butts and Busts
      • Sizzle the Senses
      • The Anatomy of Stretching
      • Four-hand Massage
    Miscellaneous - 
    • Valarie recommended Spotify's "70s Ballads" station. 
    If I missed anything, please let me know. Otherwise, stay safe, enjoy safe holidays, and hopefully it will be possible for us to be safely together in February of next year. 

    - Nancy Goodpasture, LMT
    Fairmont, WV


    WV Massage Gathering 11/15/21

    It's been a long time since we've gotten together for a Gathering, but it appears that there's a good bit of interest in doing so. As of the morning of 11/5, we have 12 confirmed. We are going to meet on Monday, November 15th, at Mia Margherita in Bridgeport - http://miamargherita.com/ - starting at 6:pm. You can always join in later if you can't make it by 6:pm. Our reservation is under the name of "Liston." [see "covid" addition at the end of this post]

    For those of you unfamiliar with Gatherings, they started almost 20 years ago when a few of us would get together from time to time to chat over something yummy (and often make plans to trade massages later). We'd talk about continuing ed, problems with clients, things for sale, new massage creams, whatever might be related to bodywork. Bit by bit, we'd invite others we knew and it developed into a state-wide open group for bodyworkers. It's not a membership thing and doesn't cost anything other than whatever you order for yourself to eat/drink when we get together. 

    In order for it not to happen at the same time/place and possibly knock out some folks who have standing appointments at that time, we mix it up by the following:

    • Date - We meet on the 15th of each month, unless that falls on a weekend. If it's on Saturday, then we meet on Friday the 14th. If it's on a Sunday, then we meet on Monday the 16th. So different days scattered throughout the year. 
    • Time - We meet over breakfast one month and supper the next, so different times of the day. 
    • Place - And we meet in Harrison, Marion, and Mon counties, so different locations making it more convenient for some and less for others as we move around. 
    Usually we discuss the next month's Gathering details at the end of the current Gathering. I try to text it out, but admit openly that I drop the ball as well as don't have all proper names/numbers. The Gatherings are open to all bodyworkers, so please feel free to invite others. And if you see someone's name missing from my text, let me know and I'll try to remember to add it. 

    In the early days, I sent out an email about what all we discussed so those who couldn't attend could still know what was going on. That email list grew pretty big and became a hassle, so I think I'll just post here each time. So if you miss, just come here for the latest - and the plans for the next Gathering.

    If you want to reach me, best to text me (304/365-1076) or email (SerenityNancy@gmail.com). I am lousy at phone calls, I confess, and often my phone is turned off (which means I don't see that you called unless you leave voice mail). - Nancy Goodpasture

    COVID: I admit openly that I have some concerns about social gatherings of any sort in this ongoing pandemic. I work hard to keep myself and my office free from covid, and I haven't done anything social in a group for a year and a half. I am double vaccinated and had my booster. I wear a mask at work and everywhere I go. I still don't go into stores (with very rare, brief exceptions). I block at least an hour between clients to clean, ask all my clients about their vaccines, exposure, etc. and schedule accordingly. I ask that everyone who comes to the Gathering be as responsible as possible with regard to covid, and definitely opt out if you have been exposed or are not feeling well. We have a professional and ethical responsibility to our clients, and I am uneasy enough about suggesting this Gathering. But I suspect the numbers will increase within a few weeks and echo the sky-rocketing pattern of last year from mid-November to mid-January, so this is likely the only chance we'll get for at least a few more months.